Chenxu Yang ; Ralf Klasing ; Changxiang He ; Yaping Mao - Perturbation results for distance-edge-monitoring numbers

fi:10788 - Fundamenta Informaticae, July 8, 2024, Volume 191, Issue 2
Perturbation results for distance-edge-monitoring numbersArticle

Authors: Chenxu Yang ; Ralf Klasing ; Changxiang He ; Yaping Mao

    Foucaud et al. recently introduced and initiated the study of a new graph-theoretic concept in the area of network monitoring. Given a graph $G=(V(G), E(G))$, a set $M \subseteq V(G)$ is a distance-edge-monitoring set if for every edge $e \in E(G)$, there is a vertex $x \in M$ and a vertex $y \in V(G)$ such that the edge $e$ belongs to all shortest paths between $x$ and $y$. The smallest size of such a set in $G$ is denoted by $\operatorname{dem}(G)$. Denoted by $G-e$ (resp. $G \backslash u$) the subgraph of $G$ obtained by removing the edge $e$ from $G$ (resp. a vertex $u$ together with all its incident edges from $G$). In this paper, we first show that $\operatorname{dem}(G-e)- \operatorname{dem}(G)\leq 2$ for any graph $G$ and edge $e \in E(G)$. Moreover, the bound is sharp. Next, we construct two graphs $G$ and $H$ to show that $\operatorname{dem}(G)-\operatorname{dem}(G\setminus u)$ and $\operatorname{dem}(H\setminus v)-\operatorname{dem}(H)$ can be arbitrarily large, where $u \in V(G)$ and $v \in V(H)$. We also study the relation between $\operatorname{dem}(H)$ and $\operatorname{dem}(G)$, where $H$ is a subgraph of $G$. In the end, we give an algorithm to judge whether the distance-edge monitoring set still remain in the resulting graph when any edge of the graph $G$ is deleted.

    Volume: Volume 191, Issue 2
    Published on: July 8, 2024
    Accepted on: February 27, 2024
    Submitted on: January 9, 2023
    Keywords: Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics,Computer Science - Data Structures and Algorithms,Mathematics - Combinatorics

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