Alexander Lindermayr ; Sebastian Siebertz ; Alexandre Vigny - Elimination distance to bounded degree on planar graphs

fi:9015 - Fundamenta Informaticae, July 8, 2024, Volume 191, Issue 2
Elimination distance to bounded degree on planar graphsArticle

Authors: Alexander Lindermayr ; Sebastian Siebertz ; Alexandre Vigny

    We study the graph parameter elimination distance to bounded degree, which was introduced by Bulian and Dawar in their study of the parameterized complexity of the graph isomorphism problem. We prove that the problem is fixed-parameter tractable on planar graphs, that is, there exists an algorithm that given a planar graph $G$ and integers $d$ and $k$ decides in time $f(k,d)\cdot n^c$ for a computable function~$f$ and constant $c$ whether the elimination distance of $G$ to the class of degree $d$ graphs is at most $k$.

    Volume: Volume 191, Issue 2
    Published on: July 8, 2024
    Accepted on: April 12, 2024
    Submitted on: January 30, 2022
    Keywords: Computer Science - Discrete Mathematics,Mathematics - Combinatorics

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